Thursday 21 June 2012


Hello, my name is Joanna and I am the Damsel in a Stress. I am an independent documentary filmmaker, student, avid film fan and basically lover of all things cinema, especially documentary. I am here to share my thoughts on some great (and some not so great) films and to tell you about the kind of films I am making. 

I am interested in exceptionally mundane things. I find the world a fascinating place and I think that the weirdest stuff happens when everyone around thinks it is normal! I have made a few films as a student and they have all been about things that are somewhere along the theme of home for me. Some are things that happened on my street and some are things that are very close to my life. For example Magic Circles was a film about a magic club that my dad runs. 

Here is the link to my Vimeo watch and leave comments please, I am always trying to improve myself! 

At the moment I live in Peckham and I find it an inspring place. I made a taster tape called The Tower and I am now just about to embark on my graduation film which will be about old cinemas in Peckham and the things they have now become. I will be blogging about Peckham a lot because I am constantly finding out fascinating things about the place and find it very interesting! I am particularly interested in the way it changes over time which is odd because I never think I like history very much! 

Ok well that is me I hope you enjoy my posts and my films! 

Joanna xx 

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